The Midlands outfit want a rediculously large fee for someone who has only scored 16 goals from open play in the Premier League. Our bidding is believed to be, again if ITK people are to be believed is £18 million (€20.84m) but there are then add-ons Villa want to take it to their figure of £25 million (€28.95m).
Word is they are trying to force us into agreeing to a large sell on clause, again ITK people suggest this is 25% which naturally Daniel Levy does not want to entertain that sort of figure.
Buy young, improve in value and if needed sell high, being our policy, is no good if you have to give a quarter of your future profit away.
Spurs, Aston Villa and Benteke do now seem to want a quick deal so something is going to have to give. The game of poker continues.
For those who missed the Swindon Match Package this morning consisting on video footage, interviews, match report and Twitter timeline report of the game, you can find it here: Swindon Match Package
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