A club that simply leaks information among a close knit circle of friend. Directors phone their friendly reporters or radio station friends and tell them what just happened in a meeting for instance. I therefore have placed far greater faith in what is coming out of the Valencia via the local reporters than from over here.
Valencia have taken down the Soldado marketing posters and replaced him with the Valencia badge, he was their marketing, just as every company wants to be associated with Bale over here, so everyone in Valencia wants Soldado, and Valencia have to have EUR 14 million by 3 August for tax purposes.
The Valencia Facebook page no longer has a picture of Soldado. Radio station Cadena SER have announced the deal, the Valencia Financial Director has apparently said he is sold to Tottenham, players are talking about him in the past tense, now website insidespanishfootball.com (not a website I have used before so I won't vouch for it's authenticity) are saying the Soldado will have a medical for Tottenham tomorrow.
My guess is that's a guess but the medical will happen sooner or later anyway.
As for the sources I have been using I'm waiting for further news, the Valencia reporters remain the ones to listen to for information.
For now here is his 2012/13 season, it's only 4.26 minutes but be sure to watch the goal nearly 3 minutes in.
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